Beautiful piece. I'm there with the virtual hug for "Somebody Somewhere." That ending, thee stirring rendition of Miley Cyrus's "The Climb," is so well done. I read that the writers and producers always had that song and that moment pinned for the show's finale. I thought that was cool. Also, Everett has performed that song many times, so it's sort of like her favorite. The Brad interaction was so fun.

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Thanks my friend! I felt like she had performed that at least once elsewhere. She is AMAZING. I would really love to see her cabaret performance, though I doubt she's in those small rooms very much these days. I also would pay for a single of that particular cover. The whole series has just blown me away. And I LOVED that she had the phone call with her father at the end. That was also a perfect tribute to that actor.

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Yes! Ok so if she comes to Boston on tour we go!

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YES! And also YES!!! 💥💥💥

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Also how amazing that her website is a .net


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Baller move. Of course.

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First, thank you for the kind words! I really apprciate that, and am glad you find what I share interesting.

There are two invioable truths in this article. First: the magic of the grab bag. The record store I go to here sells "mystery bags," which is really just a fantastic rebranding of "records we can't sell." You never know what you're gonna get, and there has never been a time when I don't walk out with at least one of 'em. Greatest invention since radar? Yes.

Second is the Teen Crush Transitive Property. Newton probably talked about this at some point. I'm not saying this law caused me to pick up several R & B records in the early 90s, but I'm not NOT sayin' it, either. That R.E.M. book sounds fantastic.

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Thanks my friend! SEE?! YOU GET THE POWER OF THE GRABBED BAG!! I admit I felt my weirdness acutely in this one, but I stand by it. There is simple magic in the concept. That record store sounds like a true keeper. And yes, NO ONE gets out of the Teen Crush Transitive Property alive or without some kind of musical trace to show for it. I’d like to say this is confined to those adolescent years..but…ummm…it is not. :)

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Oh Sheila! This whole post was just a delight! Everything - the poofy dresses, the Shirley Temples, grandma's third Manhattan, the ceramic frog with fishing pole! I just cracked up at your suggestions to the TST. Perfect! However, I wouldn't mind seeing chocolate Bapho Balls on the shelf as early as September. Hilarious. Thanks for so much entertainment this morning.

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Thanks Sharron! You're super sweet! Those 70s and 80s were WILD TIMES I tell you! I am with you--Chocolate covered just about anything has my vote...Lucifer-related or otherwise. I can look the other way :) X!

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I love the grab bag concept! Please continue doing it. :D

I'm really gonna have to try Somebody Somewhere, huh?

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Thanks pal! I will get it into rotation…I admit it’s a poor man’s High Five, but it’s what I got! Yes to Somebody..it is so quietly staggering. You will enjoy 💗

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It's an excellent rendition of the High 5 🤓

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You are kind. Just swimming in your wake my friend ☺️

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Loved this. All of it…

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Thanks Glenn! You’re a peach! I hope you take good care of that inflatable Baphomet….a gusty wind is all it takes and what an embarrassment your front yard will be! No one likes a leaky Bapho.

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I agree with all of your admired Stackers here. I also laughed out loud several times in the TST/Nativity scene story. It is true that you can't get SANTA without SATAN, which I expect is the bumper sticker they sell to fund their marketing campaign. The perfect stocking stuffer!

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Thanks Steve!! Right? Sounds like the ole TST could use a PR whiz! Fortunately, I DO accept Bapho Bucks…it’s an Elon-approved currency 😉

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The only thing I have to add is that the gift shop was always staffed by a sweet elderly woman with fluffy white hair, a big smile, and a bright string of (fake?) pearls on a necklace. Ahh, Sheila I can almost taste those powdery mints with the jelly on the inside that we shoveled into our hands with a spoon while Frank paid the bill....Pure bliss.

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I ended up with a few of those minty mothballs in my pocket. Yep. Bring back the janky restaurant gift shop, that’s what I say!!!

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Have saved and am catching up on various posts now that I’m somewhat upright. Loved this; grab bags are fun and I’m a sucker for 1970s childhood memories. Reading the REM book now.

Also, as always, your photos are gorgeous. But why are the colors so bonkers right now? I asked that question a couple of years ago and came up with this: https://open.substack.com/pub/glenncook/p/new-day-rising?r=727x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

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Awww! Thanks Glenn! I appreciate it. Yeah- our generations had some quirks, but we came out with CHARACTER by the pound! Hope you dig the REM book; it turned out to be one of my favorites of 2024. Thanks for the info on light/color! I have thought the same thing over the last month: could it BE any more brilliant out there early in the morning? Finally the short light situation pays off! Very cool stuff. Happy New Year to you all. Looking forward to more of your brilliant captures in the year ahead! 💕

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