I read a post a few months ago from the artist behind The Sneaky Art Post who described using his space on Substack to be able to “fail in public.” I find all his stuff really wonderful, but what I think he was referring to was being transparent in his process: showing his creative struggles, taking his work in different directions, test driving material without it being fully realized.
Thanks my friend! I am flailingfailing so badly on this thing...it's nearly balletic! But I'm pressing on to see what it all wants to be. Miss and love you and hope to actually SEE you soon! X!
Love it, Sheila! As a Gen X, all this resonates and I love it. xoxo
Thanks my friend! I am flailingfailing so badly on this thing...it's nearly balletic! But I'm pressing on to see what it all wants to be. Miss and love you and hope to actually SEE you soon! X!